
Hi All,

Appreciate if you could enlighten as below screenshot. TQ

  1. I have a form with a hidden field and text field. The Value is configured as hash variable #process.processId# and #process.processName# respectively. When I run the process and access to the form, it just shown plain hash variable statement instead of actual value. Displaying the field on datalist is the same as below. But if I change the hash variable to #currentuser.username#, it is showing the value. Could I know why I did wrong ?
  2. I have Inbox as below that show approver1 or resubmit as the next activity/participant. Is there a way to filter this field ? My objective is to have a filter as below (filtered by Created By, Date Created or Next Activity/Participant). I know it can be done in InBox under setting Assignment to Display → Assignment for Selected Activity Only. But I want to allow the user to filter themselves based on what they enter just like Created By and Date Created below.

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    2 answers


      Hi Anders,

      Thank you for your pointers.

      But on item 1, I already had a form as below and mapped to an activity. When I am at activity , the form field still show #assignment.activityID# instead of the value of the activityid.

      I obviously missing out something, appreciate your enlightenment. TQ

      when the process/activity running :

      1. Anders

        From the screenshot, it appears the form is at the initial run process which means that the process has not yet started. In this case, no assignment exists so you can't use an assignment hash variable.

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      1. The process hash variable can only be used within the context of a running process. If you want to view it in a datalist, you could try to store the value in a form table for it to be easily retrieved.

      2. I would suggest having a "status" field to represent the state of your process. You can then add a filter for that status to allow the user to filter the list accordingly.

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