Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance.
not sure what expired processes mean, but I'm assuming the state is "open.not_running.suspended". You can delete them manually based on their states.
Ref: Development Server Data Cleaning - Knowledge Base for DX 7 - Joget | COMMUNITY
You can check available the type of states in the shkprocessstates table.
Hello Ian,
An expired process is like a process created one year/ a long time ago. Although nobody has closed it, it should be regarded as "expired" and automatically be "shut down".
Is there any tool to automatically shut down those processes which are beyond certain period?
Well, there's an app in the marketplace: (if you're using mysql) (if you're using mssql)
You could probably modify the codes in there to meet your use case.
Or, use a scheduler plugin to run a beanshell/database update tool to perform monthly (up to you) clean up, you have to code it though
Hope this helps
There are many expired processes exist in "Monitor → Running Processes", and we do not need them to keep running. Is there a way to automatically terminate process which lasts for more than one month?