
Hi All, 

Issue: I am getting base64 string of PDF file from plugin installed on Joget. I have to send to send this PDF in email (either attachment or in body). I tried to send base64 string as Object, Href, Embed, Popup, JSON and XML File in EMAIL body but nothing works till now. 


  1. Any option to send base64 string in EMAIL (email too). 
  2. As customer HTML on Joget form able to parse and show it as PDF. Is there any possible way to first covert it on Joget form and sent it as attachment in email tool.
  3. Welcome any other suggestion for the same. I can modify plugin as well, if it can be achieved using string other than base64.
  4. File upload on Form can be used to send pdf in email?

Setup Details: Joget DX Enterprise (Version: 7.0.29 - build 29aa79a) 

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    2 answers


      Hi, the Email Tool can be configured to attach files like in Send JasperReports PDF in Email Tool. Perhaps you could save your encoded PDF as a file so that it can be configured this way.

      1. A. Chaudhary

        Hi Anders, Thank you for response. Email tool configuration is fine. 

        1. I am reading PDF in plugin tool and can pass it to Joget Form or datalist etc. As This PDF stored in BOX folder to direct URl in email tool can't be used.
        2. I have PDF stream in java plugin, so this can be passed to any variable that can hold and covert to PDF. 
        3. I tested base64 in Form Custom HTML its works fine, but custom HTML tag is not allowed under email tool attachments. Similar Custom HTML tried with Email body but if does not work. 
        4. There are options to send picture in Joget but struggling to find solution for PDF. 
        5. in Below screen shot I tried to use Object tag (base64) but not accessible to email tool. Did not find any option yet to map PDF Stream to File Upload.

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      Google Gmail will not allow images having base64 data. Read here for more info.

      1. A. Chaudhary

        Hi Matthew, email we are sending meant mainly for outlook. Outlook support base64 (also we can change base64 to any supported one as well, any suggestions?)? Or any suggestion how this can be achieved?
        I am exploring to set file upload field on form as well. Any option to set PDF as input from plugin. 

        Appreciate any suggestion to send PDF plugin (own developed).

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