Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance.
I just tried using the format in the pointed by Matthew in the documentation and I am still getting the error
Google is your best friend - try how+to+solve+sql+mysql+%22unknown+escape+sequence%22
Already did lots of search with no luck. Joget comes with MariaDB by default and that's what I am using.
Looked at all the string literals in the MariaDB documentation and curly brackets should not have been an issue.
String Literals - MariaDB Knowledge Base
So not sure why this happening.
According to JDBC Form Binder#ConfigureJDBCStoreBinder the SQL should be something like this:
INSERT app_fd_table (id, c_name, c_emailAddress VALUES ({uuid}, {name}, {emailAddress})
I am using MySQL too.
Using the tool below
My SQL statement in the Post Form Submission is like below (just copying some records from one table to another)
insert into app_fd_fruit(id,c_name,c_color,c_price,c_parent)
select {uuid},c_name,c_color,c_price, {id}
from app_fd_fruit_db
where c_color = "red"
It may depend on the database engine, I think. I also have tried the example SQL in the KB documentation and it worked fine in MySQL and MariaDB databases.
I am trying to use
in the database update tool, as described here
JDBC Form Binder
and getting the following error
ERROR 09 Mar 2023 15:46:44 - Error executing plugin
java.sql.SQLException: unknown escape sequence {uuid}
Aren't these supported?