

I have read this article about deployment of Joget on Open Shift - Windows.


However, the code given on the above mentioned page is of Linux. Although, I tried myself to convert that to windows cmd syntax and successful in 50% of the code. But I am not stuck on the deployment of joget part.

echo === Deploy Joget Workflow $JOGET_VERSION ===
rhc ssh $APP_NAME "cd ~/app-root/data;\
echo '--- Download Bundle ---';\
wget http://dev.joget.org/downloads/enterprise/joget-enterprise-linux-$JOGET_VERSION.tar.gz;\
echo '--- Extract Bundle ---';\
tar xvfz joget-enterprise-linux-$JOGET_VERSION.tar.gz;\
cd joget-enterprise-linux-$JOGET_VERSION;\
echo '--- Setup Datasource ---';\
apache-ant-1.7.1/bin/ant setup -Dprofile.name=default -Ddb.name=jwdb -Ddb.host=$OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DB_HOST -Ddb.port=3306 -Ddb.user=$OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DB_USERNAME -Ddb.password=$OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DB_PASSWORD;\
cp -rf wflow/ $OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR/;\
echo '--- Setup WARs ---';\
mv apache-tomcat-8.0.20/webapps/jw* ~/jbossews/webapps/;\
echo '--- Clean Bundle ---';\
cd ..;\
rm -r joget-enterprise-linux-*"

the download bundle address is given in this code is not working anymore because now the joget website redirects to Sourceforge which has a .exe file.

I would greatly appreciate your help in this regard

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    2 answers


      You can try this direct link http://tenet.dl.sourceforge.net/project/jogetworkflow/joget-linux-5.0.4.tar.gz. Everything else should be just the same.

      Good luck!

      1. Kamran Raza

        Thanks Walter. Do have any idea if Can i have a same link for Windows edition or I have to install linux version for OpenShift. Best wishes Kamran

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      If you are using Windows, follow this article https://developers.openshift.com/getting-started/windows.html. Complete the chapters:- 1. Installing the Client Tools 2. Setting up Your Machine Then, continue with "Step 3" in https://dev.joget.org/community/display/KBv5/Joget+Workflow+on+OpenShift

      1. Kamran Raza

        C:\Joget-v5\apache-ant-1.7.1\bin\ant setup -Dprofile.name=default -Ddb.name=jwdb -Ddb.host=%OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DB_HOST% -Ddb.port=3306 -Ddb.user=%OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DB_USERNAME% -Ddb.password=%OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DB_PASSWORD%;\

      2. Kamran Raza

        i have done setup on Openshift and i am stuck on === Deploy Joget Workflow $JOGET_VERSION === and setup data source C:\Joget-v5\apache-ant-1.7.1\bin\ant setup -Dprofile.name=default -Ddb.name=jwdb -Ddb.host=%OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DB_HOST% -Ddb.port=3306 -Ddb.user=%OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DB_USERNAME% -Ddb.password=%OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DB_PASSWORD%;\

      3. Kamran Raza

        these commands are not working

      4. Walter

        I don't think you are doing it right. > C:\Joget-v5\apache-ant-1.7.1\bin\ant setup -Dprofile.name=default -Ddb.name=jwdb -Ddb.host=%OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DB_HOST% -Ddb.port=3306 -Ddb.user=%OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DB_USERNAME% -Ddb.password=%OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DB_PASSWORD%;\ You are supposed to run these ant commands in the rhc cloud instance and not inside your own windows's C drive. Try to go through the articles again.

      5. Kamran Raza

        Indeed, i am running these commands on Ruby command prompt

      6. Kamran Raza

        i found the problem here, it was the Path. I have passed a environment varible of Java and this command is working.

      7. Kamran Raza

        But now, i am stuck with this error: SQL_DB_USERNAME% -Ddb.password=%OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DB_PASSWORD%;\ Buildfile: build.xml setup-db: [input] skipping input as property db.host has already been set. [input] skipping input as property db.port has already been set. [input] skipping input as property db.name has already been set. [input] skipping input as property db.user has already been set. [input] skipping input as property db.password has already been set. [input] skipping input as property profile.name has already been set. create-db: [echo] Creating database, please wait... BUILD FAILED C:\Joget-v5\build.xml:40: Execute failed: java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "mysql": CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified

      8. Walter

        You are still doing it wrongly. > C:\Joget-v5\build.xml:40: Execute failed: java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "mysql": CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified You got this error because, in your local PC, there's no mysql set in your PATH. I think you are confused between local installation and installation in Openshift server. Try to go through the articles again. There should not be anything to do with "C:\Joget-v5\". This is your local installation. If you don't need it, delete the whole folder to avoid confusion. Good luck!

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