
I need a full working sample that is using the SOAP tool.

The airport webservice url is no longer working;
Need to know the structure of this URL

Is the NewDataSet.Table
part of the wsdl xml or a parametes to be used wherever. in any other processes



We are trying to call the below webservice where the output is the following:



<CheckRequestResponse xmlns="http://tempuri.org/">

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    4 answers


      Even after turning off the Active directory debug mode,

      and when checking the Joget.log 

      Still the below trace audit is appearing:


      INFO 23 Nov 2016 15:56:54 org.joget.plugin.enterprise.SoapTool - {}
      INFO 23 Nov 2016 15:56:55 org.joget.workflow.shark.WorkflowAssignmentManager - [processId=113_TestEmail_process1, processDefId=TestEmail#3#process1, participantId=participant1, next user=[shakerz]]

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        I think you should check the log file instead of the console output. This is because you have the debug mode of LDAP directory manager turn on as well, there are too much debugging messages that clear the SOAP tool debugging message from your screen.

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          I used the same sample tool, I changed the webservice to an internal one.

          but still there is no output,


          even the log while the debug mode is active, it is not detecting the the webservice response. or to tace what is going on.

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            I assume you mean the airport web service example in SOAP Tool? Yes it seems to be down now but it is a 3rd party service so you have to check with them on its availability. 

            Is the NewDataSet.Table
            part of the wsdl xml or a parametes to be used wherever. in any other processes

            It should be part of the SOAP response for that web service. If you intend to perform integration using SOAP may I suggest that you try to understand SOAP first. There are many resources online https://www.google.com/search?q=soap+tutorial&oq=soap+tutorial&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.1750j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#q=soap+web+services+tutorial


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