Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance.
Depends on what type of reports you want to generate.
You can either just use Datalist and use filters of datalist to filter data and export using built-in Excel/pdf button.
You can use same datalists or write SQL queries in Charts to display reports in charts
Or You can use JASPER REPORT Plugin to create reports in Jasper Studio and get them on Joget
Hi Anas! May I know where to get the built-in Excel/pdf button? Or do you have any reference of the SQL queries in Charts to generate a list to report?
When you put the list in the userview and launch it. You will find the buttons at right bottom under the list
I see, but can I customize the report to make it more specific by providing other tables in the form? If yes, how?
You can try Jasper Reports plugin
Hi, can someone teach me how to create a report that generates weekly, monthly and yearly reports?