Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance.
Hi, you can try using the Process Status element. Or you can download the Process Monitoring Utility from the Joget Marketplace and adapt it to your needs.
This tool, is for Administrators only and for MySQL as well, our need is to the end user and on Oracle back end DB.
It is an app, so you can modify the permissions according to your needs. You can use it as a guide to customize it for your own needs, for example change the MySQL statements to support Oracle.
You'd have to modify some source code if you really want to do it.
You can set-up accesses and permissions using the applicationContext.xml and edit the WEB-INF/jsp/console/home.jsp to allow proper users to access the Monitor Apps section.
For the graph view thing, I believe your're talking about the Running Process Instance view where you can see where exactly is your process at, right? If that's the case, you could allow accesses to that view as well.
But, I think the monitoring section was created with the purpose that the Administrators who created the process would be the only ones that would understand how the process progresses and the end users would be abstracted and won't need to worry about what's happening behind the scenes.
Other than that, you can always tweak things to suit your needs, if you ever so wish it.
Thanks, for replay, yes our need is t let requester know where is request is pending, on the workflow. such behavious is existing on other workflow tools. as it will minimize the interactions with adminitrators for asking about the request statu.
I would recommend you either use the, or just have a set of "Status" field values in your app which you can then present to the end user. Showing the entire process would be too much technical information for end-users.
Can we allow using the Monitor tool for end users and not only to the administrators?
How to let end users view the status of his requests, as graph view.