Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance.
Great! ,thanks so much Hugo. this is exactly what I needed. Cheers, Ernest.
Hi there,
Anywhere in your second (subflow) process instance, run this code to get the first (parent) process id.
import; import; AppService appService = (AppService) AppUtil.getApplicationContext().getBean("appService"); String recordId = appService.getOriginProcessId("#assignment.processId#"); System.out.println(recordId);
Hope this helps.
Hi Guys',
Hope you can help?
I have two separate processes, each with their own start and end. I need to pass the process instance id from the first process to the second process.
I am using a sub-flow task in the first process, in order to start the second process.
I can get the second process instance id, once the second process has been kicked off.
My problem is, retaining state between the two processes, to be able to link-up the 2 process instance id's that are related in the process thread.
Thanks for the help,