Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance.
for admin role, it allowed u to set to particular users, or all members of a group.
for particular users, let said admin & cat, use settings below: need to set "Attribute Mapping - Users" & "Map To LDAP User Entry Primary Attribute" to the same primary attribute. eg. "dn" or "distinguishedName".
Admin Role Import Search Filter : (&(objectClass=person)(|(cn=admin)(cn=cat))) Attribute Mapping - Users : dn Map To LDAP User Entry Primary Attribute : dn
for members of a group, eg. hr.
Admin Role Import Search Filter : (&(objectClass=groupOfNames)(cn=hr)) Attribute Mapping - Users : member Map To LDAP User Entry Primary Attribute : dn
Thank you so much it worked ^^
Hi Iama
The Joget Knowledge Base has detail documentation on Admin Role for LDAP Users on Admin Role.
I tried to set LDAP and everything worked fine except that all users have (
ROLE_USER) not admin role . How would I assign an admin?
I think my issue with this configuration .. I did not know to set it .
could anyone help me on this please