
HI Friends,  I need add an activity to call a form that enable change to the user  the value of a workflow variable but it must hide or avoid use a value that was previusly used. For example I am thinking use a radio button,  if in the previus activity I did set the workflow variable a value like A,  this control must only offer B and C as value. 

Anybody have and idea? 

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    2 answers


      Hi Walter this is the Bean Shell Code that i think use in order to validate , but i´m not sure how to do .

      The principal problem is how can i do to get a value from the form and latter compare it with a field in a database?



      import java.util.Arrays;
      import org.joget.apps.app.service.AppUtil;
      import org.joget.apps.form.model.Element;
      import org.joget.apps.form.model.Form;
      import org.joget.apps.form.model.FormData;
      import org.joget.apps.form.service.FormUtil;
      public boolean validate(Element element, FormData formData, String[] values) {
          boolean result = true;
          //get field 1 value from form data object
          String field1Id = "field1";
          Form form = FormUtil.findRootForm(element);
          Element field1 = FormUtil.findElement(field1Id, form, formData);
          if (field1 != null) {
              //get value of field 1
              String[] compareValues = FormUtil.getElementPropertyValues(field1, formData);
              //compare the value of field 2 and field 1 are equals
              if (!Arrays.equals(values, compareValues)) {
                  String id = FormUtil.getElementParameterName(element);
                  formData.addFormError(id, "Value not equal!!!!");
                  result = false;
          else {
              //ignore if the field 1 not exist
          return result;
      //call validate method with injected variable
      return validate(element, formData, values);
      1. Walter

        You can use https://dev.joget.org/community/display/KBv6/Duplicate+Value+Validator without writing the code here if you need to compare duplicate vallue. However, I think that you should use options binder to show just what can be chosen, instead of trying to check what is selected can be chosen or not.

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      You can use bean shell options binder to set skip the value in your workflow variable and return the rest that's applicable. See Bean Shell Programming Guide#UseasFormOptionsBinder for example.

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