Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance.
You should be able to find the error message for this in the server log. The query should be a SELECT query.
Hi. Thank you for your suggestion. Do you know if I can have print statement on my SQL query? I tried JDBC Load and Store Binder but still not working.
Hello everyone. Can anyone tell me why my query is not working?
Query that works:
SELECT app_fd_info_staff.c_infoStaffId, app_fd_info_aset.c_assignAset
FROM app_fd_info_staff, app_fd_info_aset
WHERE app_fd_info_staff.c_infoStaffId = app_fd_info_aset.c_assignAset
Query that does not work:
IF EXISTS (SELECT app_fd_info_staff.c_infoStaffId, app_fd_info_aset.c_assignAset
FROM app_fd_info_staff, app_fd_info_aset
WHERE app_fd_info_staff.c_infoStaffId = app_fd_info_aset.c_assignAset)
PRINT 'Records exist'
PRINT 'Record does not exists'