Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance.
Hi, i found the getPopupWidth implementation is as below. Then i tested with the following script seem ok."testPopup", "http://localhost:8080/jw/web/userview/expenseclaim/home/_/a?",{},"Add Item", 670, 300);
getPopUpWidth: function(width) { if (width === undefined || width === "") { width = "90%"; } var windowWidth = $(window).width(); var minWidth = 668; var maxWidth = windowWidth - 100; if (isNaN(width) && width.indexOf("%") !== -1) { var tempWidth = parseFloat(width.replace("%", "")); width = windowWidth * tempWidth / 100; } if (width > maxWidth) { width = maxWidth; } if (width < minWidth) { width = windowWidth; } return width; }
Yup, same outcome.
Hi, did you try setting the width without calling the UI.getPopUpWidth function?
Is there a way to reduce the minimum width below 668px for Jpopup? I want to use 300px but the popup with will resize back to 90% width if I use values under 668px.
This is my javascript code to create the popup
var height = UI.getPopUpHeight("350");
var width = UI.getPopUpWidth("670");
JPopup.create("testPopup", "Add Item", width, height);"testPopup", "AddOrderItem?embed=true",params,"Add Item", width, height)