Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance.
Not sure if this is exactly what he was referring to but I to have what the title says. I want to add an image such as a company logo onto the form. I'm not uploading an image rather I am putting a perm image onto the form. See attached. Capture.jpg
How can this be done?
Hi, did you try using the File Upload or Image Upload elements directly? It supports uploading of multiple files or images.
Please guide me how can i display multiple images on a Form (Image names are saved in DB Table), and then select anyone or two and saved the some other table
Farhan Ahmad
not really understand what you want to achieve. mind to share some screenshot?
Sir actually i have a video file, from that video i create multiple images automatically and saved in a db table. i have start the process using crul command in java, now i want to display all images on the page and give option to a user to select few of them for further process, i have used spreadsheet to display images but the problem is PATH its not recognizable i hope i have clear things
maybe you can share the video file so that I can understand your problem better...