

I have a form grid in the parent form. When i click form grids form it only adds as a json in parent form but its store/processing tool not executing on submit.

Is any other way to do this please help? 

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    3 answers


      Hey Ranjith,

      A form grid is only used to fill in information into a grid while making use of the referenced form's validation features. It is not meant to act as a standalone form or activity.
      I would suggest a workaround where the form (used in your form grid) is used as a standalone form or an activity in a process, then map an email tool as a process tool in a process after the form/activity, then use Form Hash Variable in your email tool to retrieve email addresses/details.

      Hope this helps. 

      1. Ranjith

        Hi I tried to map post tool with email tool in form that i am submiting. But only Id field get saved. Other fields are saved only after Activity submit. When i use id value in grid form its fetching but others are not stored. Why it is actiing like this?

      2. Justin

        You cannot execute any process tools until an activity is completed or a form is submitted. Hope this clarifies it.

      3. Ranjith

        Thanks, But Post tool is executing correctly. But grid form fields are not saving. Only Id is saved on form grid. So #form.xxx.email# not working in post tool. Why this happening. It should store all fields when i submit right.

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      If I remember correctly the post submission plugin will only execute for the main form, not for subforms?

      That’s one of the reasons I tend not to use it very often since the same form will behave differently if it is a subform vs the main form.


      1. Ranjith

        Thanks. But when i submit form of the grid form i need to send email notification. Can you please help me, Is there is any workaround todo that?

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      Hey there Ranjith,

      I assume that you are using a Multirow Form Binder as the store binder for your Form Grid.

      Ensure that you are selecting the correct Form and foreign key to store row data into the correct table.

      You may refer to this KB page here for more info: Multirow Form Binder

      Also, if you are familiar with SQL clients, you may check that if the store binder works, you will see new records in your Form table specified in your Multirow Form Binder.

      Hope this helps.


      1. Ranjith

        Hi Thanks But I mapped with correct reference and table also updating when i submit form. But post tool is not execution (Email Tool) in grid form

      2. Justin

        Do you mean you mapped an Email Tool as a Post Form Submission Tool of your form, and it is not working? You may attach your server log for our inspection (if any errors present). Also, can you take a screenshot of your Post Form Submission Processing configuration?

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