Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance.
thanks for the suggestions...
Chris, for some reason the Process Status just doesn't work right for me this time, last time when it worked, it was of different format than the "roadmap" and the boxes and flows were all cramped and not presentable.
Anders, the Resources is only for static image, correct? I will need a "dynamic" function that is reflecting each process realtime status.
Hi, you can save the image and store it as one of the Resources to show it in your app to normal users.
The web console is limited to admin roles only as far as I know.
For something similar, you can have a look at Process Status
As an admin, I can setup hyperlink in the userview to show each process with a graphical roadmap like this:
However as a normal user, I get a "No Permission" notice. Is it possible to get that graph for a normal user?