
Deer Master

I have a list, and I wanna export this list by word with the tile is available, I was researched from Plug-In, but I didn't know where I have to embed the code.

Thanks for your attention

  1. Walter

    What do you mean by "word"? Do you mean microsoft word .doc file? I think you can export to excel first, then copy it from there into MS Word.

  2. Kurt Cobain

    I try to use https://dev.joget.org/community/display/KBv5/JasperReports , but I can not connect to the datalist

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2 answers


    this is my design by iReport

    paste this code

    see nothing (sad)


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      Hi, there is not enough information to understand the question. This article on stackoverflow might help with tips on a good way to ask a question http://stackoverflow.com/help/how-to-ask

      1. Kurt Cobain

        I am sorry if it's not make you understand, It means I wanna export information with title(hard data) and datalist(dynamic data) by .doc .pdf .xlsx, etc. I try to use https://dev.joget.org/community/display/KBv5/JasperReports , but I can not connect to the datalist :((((

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