
Hi experts,

I have 3 fields which are factory, inspectionDate and supplierName (select box) in main form and also a master data where I store in different table containing field factory, month and supplier name. For example for Factory 03, month June (6), supplier name is ABC and DEF (2 customers for factory A in June).

So when user choose factory 03 and put in inspection date 11/6/2019 in main form, I want the customer name select box to only display value of ABC and DEF only (refer to master data). Currently I'm using ajax function where field ID to control available options based on grouping to be factory.

So can i have 2 field ID to control available options. In this case: factory and inspectionDate.

My SQL for supplier name is as below:

SELECT c_supplierName, c_supplierName
FROM app_fd_SupplierVisit_Reg
WHERE c_factory = (?)
AND app_fd_SupplierVisit_Reg.c_selectMonth = (MONTH(c_inspectionDate = (?)))

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    2 answers


      Yes I have solved this by adding a new activity before the main form to insert factory and supplier name first. Then, use hash variable in jdbc. 

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        Hi, since you can only set one Field ID for dependency, perhaps you could create a hidden or temporary field that combines the 2 fields and use that as the control field instead? 

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