
Hi - testing DX with current application and experiencing some Java issues with a plugin....

Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/xml/bind/DatatypeConverter

this casues a hard error. 

System Error

Sorry, an unintended error has occurred. Please contact support with the following information:

  • Version: 7.0-BETA - build 66b95b4
  • URL: /jw/web/userview/appFileUpload/userview/_/51EB289FFC1143C5BBB08E4901FD817F
  • Date: 6 Nov 2019 15:31:36
  • Description of the steps needed to reproduce the issue
  • Copy of the relevant log files which are stored in the logs directory
  • Screenshot(s) showing the problem if possible
  • Sample app that produces the issue if possible

anyone else coming across the same error while testing?

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    2 answers


       - so the issue with some plugins are due to version of java we are running. we started with V11 which errors out, but when using V8, the systems seem to be running fine.

      question - does DX have any java version requirements? can we run it on V8 until all plugin are upgraded ?

      Thank you - Tony 

      1. Anders

        Hi, I'm running DX beta on Java 8 without any problems. I believe this is the issue https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52502189/java-11-package-javax-xml-bind-does-not-exist so you will need to update your plugins accordingly for Java 11.

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      which plugin are you using that is causing the error? could you provide steps in order to reproduce the error? 

      1. Anthony Sica

        Hi - I am using the aws S3 file upload plugin.  simply install the plug in and configure awsS3.properties file. it works fine in V6 (both community and enterprise).


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