Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance.
hi, i'm able to fix the error by using other equivalent function to UPPER(). you can try using toUpperCase() java method.
for example in expression editor :
"this is lower case".toUpperCase()
Hi, I did on a google search of the error message and found this You can try to add the additional jar library that contains the missing function.
I wasn't able to use some expressions on jasper. I had to modify the request to have the values directly on the output and not to use expressions.
If you find how to do it, I would like to know me too.
hi, can you show sample expression/what you want to achive, that you're trying to use ?
I'm using TIBCO Jaspersoft® Studio 6.10.0.
im encoutered an error when running in joget workflow 5 enterprise jasper report menu.
how to make joget recognise expression syntax in jasper report.
try to use simple strings function :
UPPER("Test" )
Errors were encountered when compiling report expressions class file: 1. The method UPPER(String) is undefined for the type TESTFUNCTION_1579580245306_86231 value = UPPER("Test" ); //$JR_EXPR_ID=8$ <---> 2. The method UPPER(String) is undefined for the type TESTFUNCTION_1579580245306_86231 value = UPPER("Test" ); //$JR_EXPR_ID=8$ <---> 3. The method UPPER(String) is undefined for the type TESTFUNCTION_1579580245306_86231 value = UPPER("Test" ); //$JR_EXPR_ID=8$ <---> 3 errors .