Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance.
public DecisionResult getDecision(String processDefId, String processId, String routeId, Map<String, String> variables);
Return the DecisionResult based on the current process state.
Return org.joget.workflow.model.DecisionResult
public Boolean getIsAndSplit();
The split type of next transitions is AND
public void setIsAndSplit(Boolean isAndSplit);
Set the split type of next transitions to AND
public String getAuditData();
The data to be store to audit trail table
public void setAuditData(String auditData);
Set the data to be store to audit trail table
public Map<String, String> getVariables();
The workflow variable and its value to be update
public void setVariable(String name, String value);
Set the workflow variable & value to update
public Collection<String> getTransitions();
The transitions name/id to flow to after the route
public void addTransition(String idOrName);
Add transition id/name to the list of transitions to flow to after the route.