Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance.
This Amazon S3 File Upload field is a sample plugin to showcase on how you can develop a plugin to integrate with third party service like Amazon S3 storage.
This Amazon S3 File Upload field is a combination of Form Field Element Plugin, Form Store Binder Plugin and Web Service Plugin implementations which contains 2 classes "AwsS3FileUpload" and "AwsS3FileBinder".
Plugin: aws_s3_upload_field-5.0.0.jar
Amazon S3 Configuration File: (put this properties file in your wflow folder)
For Java 11:
Source Code:
Plugin: aws_s3_upload_field-7.0.0.jar
In form builder, when the AWS S3 configuration file is missing.
In form builder, when there are error connecting to AWS S3 server.