Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance.
i suppose this is related to this :
select box value
You can remove everything above the <script> and the code must be altered.
See here :
// Get references to the select boxes
var approver1 = (document.getElementsByName("approver_1"))[0];
var approver2 = (document.getElementsByName("approver_2"))[0];
// Add change event listener to the select box
approver1.addEventListener("change", function() {
// Initial call to set the correct options on page load
// Function to update approver2 options based on approver_1 selection
function updateApprover2Options(approver1,approver2) {
var selectedValue = approver1.value;
// reset selectbox2 selection (so they cant choose option A in sb1, and still have option A in sb2)
// $("[name=approver_2]").removeAttr("selected"); // not working, joget handles selectbox selection differently compared to vanilla
// Loop through approver2 options to hide/show based on approver1 selection
for (var i = 0; i < approver2.options.length; i++) {
var option = approver2.options[i];
// reset each option display incase of new value update'display');
// apply the hide display here
if (option.value === selectedValue) {
console.log("hiding value "+option.value+" : "+selectedValue); = 'none'; // Hide the option
You can also see the sample app to explore and adjust further :
Thank you.
thank you so much
Hi, what errors are you getting? You need to check the browser developer console to identify what the JavaScript errors are before you can debug it.
it works now
thank you so much
i put a js code inside custom html but it does not running correctly
i use a downloaded joget at my windows
this is the code
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
// Function to update options in the second select box
function updateSelectBox2() {
var selectedValue = $('#to').val();
$('#approversList option').show(); // Show all options initially
$('#approversList option').each(function() {
if ($(this).val() === selectedValue) {
$(this).hide(); // Hide the selected value from selectBox1
// Event listener for changes in the first select box
$('#to').change(function() {
// Initial call to update selectBox2 on page load