
Process Builder will open up when clicked from the Quick Navigation Bar (See Quick Navigator). Process Builder is one of the highlights of Joget Workflow v5 where it allows one to design processes on the browser itself without the need of installing any additional components. The Process Builder allows one to design process(es) for the Joget Workflow App in an easy drag-and-drop manner.

Figure 1: Process Builder Design For Expenses Claims App

New Feature

In Joget DX8 Process Builder, the following are new features: List View & Mapping Tab

List View

List View is a new feature in Joget DX8. List View allows one to view all the elements that have been placed inside the Process Builder, while also letting one to configure the properties to each of the element inside the process.


Figure 2: Process Builder List View For Expenses Claims App

Mapping Tab

The mapping tab is a new feature in Joget DX8. The Process Mapper feature from Joget DX 7 has now been integrated into the Process Builder, letting one configure the mappings of the elements inside a process within the same screen, instead of a separate configuration screen in previous versions.

Figure 3: Mapping tab for a participant mapping

Elements available


The Tools buttons are used to edit the process. 

Name (From Left to Right)Description


Edit the current process


Remove the current process


Clone the current process

Add New

Add new process

Copy Process Definition ID to Clipboard

Copy the process definition ID to the clipboard for Hash Variables that required process definition ID


The Participant node is used to declare a new participant swimlane to represent a role/person/entity (e.g. Claimant). Please see Map Participants to Users for more information about the mappings.




Participant ID


Participant Name


Activity node is used to be mapped to Form, to be used to interact with human participant, as part of the process flow. Please see Map Activities to Forms for more information about the mappings.




Activity ID


Activity Name

Join Type

Incoming transition treatment type. (Only appear when there are two transitions mapped into an activity)

  • AND
    • AND operator, if both transitions are true, the result is true, else the result is false if one transition is false.
  • XOR
    • XOR operator, if either of the transitions is true, then the result is true, else if both the transitions are true, then the result is false.

Split Type

Outgoing transition treatment type. (Only appear when there are two transitions mapped from an activity)

  • AND
    • AND operator, if both transitions are true, the result is true, else the result is false if one transition is false.
  • XOR
    • XOR operator, if either of the transitions is true, then the result is true, else if both the transitions are true, then the result is false.

Multiple Deadlines can be set for each activity.
Learn about Deadlines and Escalations.


SLA Limit for the activity. Number is expected in this field.


Tool node is used to be mapped to Process Tool plugin, to trigger/achieve certain functionality programmatically, as part of the process flow. Please see Map Tools to Plugins for more information about the mappings.




Tool ID


Tool Name

Join Type

Incoming transition treatment type. (Only appear when there are two transitions mapped into a tool)

  • AND
    • AND operator, if both transitions are true, the result is true, else the result is false if one transition is false.
  • XOR
    • XOR operator, if either of the transitions is true, then the result is true, else if both the transitions are true, then the result is false.

Split Type

Outgoing transition treatment type. (Only appear when there are two transitions mapped from a tool)

  • AND
    • AND operator, if both transitions are true, the result is true, else the result is false if one transition is false.
  • XOR
    • XOR operator, if either of the transitions is true, then the result is true, else if both the transitions are true, then the result is false.


Route node is used to determine the flow of the process flow. 




Route ID


Route Name

Join Type

Incoming transition treatment type. (Only appear when there are two transitions mapped into a route node)

  • AND
    • AND operator, if both transitions are true, the result is true, else the result is false if one transition is false.
  • XOR
    • XOR operator, if either of the transitions is true, then the result is true, else if both the transitions are true, then the result is false.

Split Type

Outgoing transition treatment type. (Only appear when there are two transitions mapped from a route node)

  • AND
    • AND operator, if both transitions are true, the result is true, else the result is false if one transition is false.
  • XOR
    • XOR operator, if either of the transitions is true, then the result is true, else if both the transitions are true, then the result is false.

Subflow & Deadlines

Subflow node is used to trigger the start of another process under the same App. 




Subflow ID


Subflow Name

Subprocess ID

Process ID of the Subflow


Synchronous or Asynchronous execution.


Workflow variable(s) to be passed over to the Subflow.

Join Type

Incoming transition treatment type. (Only appear when there are two transitions mapped into a subflow)

  • AND
    • AND operator, if both transitions are true, the result is true, else the result is false if one transition is false.
  • XOR
    • XOR operator, if either of the transitions is true, then the result is true, else if both the transitions are true, then the result is false.

Split Type

Outgoing transition treatment type. (Only appear when there are two transitions mapped from a subflow)

  • AND
    • AND operator, if both transitions are true, the result is true, else the result is false if one transition is false.
  • XOR
    • XOR operator, if either of the transitions is true, then the result is true, else if both the transitions are true, then the result is false.

Multiple Deadlines can be set. This is only applicable when Subflow is set to Asynchronous execution.


Transitions are used to connect the nodes in a process.

NameTransition name

Transition style

  • Straight
  • Orthogonal

Transition type

  • Normal
  • Conditional
  • Otherwise
  • Exception


Start node denotes the start of the process flow.


End node denotes the end of the process flow.

Keyboard Shortcut Keys

Shortcut Key


Ctrl + S

Save Builder

Ctrl + C

Copy Element

Ctrl + V

Paste Element

Ctrl + Z


Ctrl + Shift + Z


Related Documentations

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Do try out the many free apps, tutorials and plugins for Joget Datalist elements.

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