Hi, i am looking for a way to set the process ID to a unique name during the process launch.  We have multiple versions of the same process running at the same time and users get confused which product the checklist belongs to.  All they see is a different version number of the same process in their email link.

Please help!  Alla

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  1. Hi Alla,

    May I know how you are doing it right now? then only I suggest base on what you already done. :)

    Best regards.

    1. Owen,

      Thank you so much for your reply!

      Right now it takes my process id name (the workflow file name) and then attaches a version number to it - that is what my team gets in their email notification link.  We have multiple project going on at the same time using the same process flow, but i need a way to distinguish among them and help my team be clear what projects they are being notified for.



      1. Hi Alla,

        You can assign the project name to a workflow variable, then using this hash "#variable.VARIABLE_NAME#" in your email subject and message.

        Hope this help.

        Best regards. 

  2. Owen, I'd like to have a unique name for each running process show in the list of activities for users.  Is it possible for the assigned tasks list to show the customer name, for instance, as part of the process name for each task?