
I Have installed Joget community under Ubuntu 11.10, and it all seems good.... but when I click on the button "Launch Workflow Designer" it prompts me to save a files - webstart.jnlp. It does this even if I save the file and then launch it.

I also cant launch the designer separately using http://localhost:8080/wflow-designerweb/webstart - it gives the following error page:

Any help appreciated


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  1. Hi David,

    Your case is new to us. You can try the following steps and see whether it is help or not.

    1. Stop Joget

    2. Delete "context.xml" in "[Joget Folder]/apache-tomcat-6.0.18/webapps/jw/META-INF".

    3. Delete "context.xml" in "[Joget Folder]/apache-tomcat-6.0.18/webapps/jwdesigner/META-INF".

    4. Delete "jw.xml" and "jwdesigner.xml" in "[Joget Folder]/apache-tomcat-6.0.18/conf/Catalina/localhost".

    5. Delete folder "jw" and "jwdesigner" in "[Joget Folder]/apache-tomcat-6.0.18/work/Catalina/localhost".

    6. Start Joget.

    Hope this solve your problem.


  2. Hi David, this is because Firefox on Ubuntu doesn't associate jnlp files with javaws. What I did: select open with, browse to javaws in /usr/bin.

    Hope that helps :)

  3. Hi guys,

    I'm having the same problem, cant seems to launch my workflow designer.

    i've installed oracle java 7 and when i double clicked nothing happens.... need help badly..

    1. Hi Fadiah,

      Can you tell us more? Probably you can paste the server log, exception message here. Cheers~

      1. Hi Hugo,

        when i clicked launch workflow designer it asked me to download the webstart.jlnp well this is

        because of my browser plugin anyway, that's not a problem..

        after i have download it i cant seems to open it.. i double clicked the icon and nothing happens...  i'm new to unbuntu so i'm quit clueless finding an alternative way...

        Thank you so much for responding... :)

      2. Hi Hugo,

        when i clicked launch workflow designer it asked me to download the webstart.jlnp well this is

        because of my browser plugin anyway, that's not a problem..

        after i have download it i cant seems to open it.. i double clicked the icon and nothing happens...  i'm new to unbuntu so i'm quit clueless finding an alternative way...

        Thank you so much for responding... :)

  4. Hi, As Sari says, Firefox doesn't associate jnlp wth javaws. Also, in Ubuntu, since i don't know which version, the classical packages for java installation doesn't bring javaws. I installed icedtea-next package (or another icedtea related package, don't remember) and i was able since then to use javaws based applications.

    1. Hi there :)

      well right now i'm using ubuntu 12.04 LTS, i've tried already what sari suggested but it doesn't seems working to me. 

      and ermm i've search what u've mention in my file system, the icedtea Java Web start exist. i google it to know what's the use of it.. i hope this works. thanks so much for sharing your opinion with me.. :)

  5. I solved this problem by downloading Java SDK and Oracle Express


    Cody Ham