Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance.
Is it possible for an activity to have its deadline set by a workflow variable?
I have a scenario where the activity has a deadline value of #variable.deadlineVar# where deadlineVar is a workflow variable. Now, when I try to start the process via a json call by using the following link:
catalina.out is showing the following stack trace:
ERROR 06 May 2013 11:15:12 Scripting - JavaScriptEvaluator -> The result of expression var s=new java.util.Date(); s.setTime(ACTIVITY_ACTIVATED_TIME.getTime()+(#variable.deadlineVar#*1000)); s; can't be evaluated - error message=illegal character (#1)
ERROR 06 May 2013 11:15:12 Shark - JavaScriptEvaluator -> The result of expression var s=new java.util.Date(); s.setTime(ACTIVITY_ACTIVATED_TIME.getTime()+(#variable.deadlineVar#*1000)); s; can't be evaluated - error message=illegal character (#1)
ERROR 06 May 2013 11:15:12 org.joget.workflow.model.service.WorkflowManagerImpl - org.mozilla.javascript.EvaluatorException: illegal character (#1)
Does it mean that a deadline cannot take a value from a workflow variable?
1 Comment
William Bellia
My mistake. I had to use just deadlineVar rather than the #variable.deadlineVar# . Reason being is that I am trying to access the variable within the workflow designer.