Hello I'm trying to develop a DirectoryManager plugin for Joget v3.0.1.  When I look at the online example posted at http://dev.joget.org/community/display/KB/Directory+Manager+Plugin it appears to be outdated.  I say that because in the source code I have for Joget there is no org.joget.plugin.base.ExtDefaultPlugin abstract class anymore.

So I guess my question is what class should my DirectoryManager be inheriting from and what interfaces must it implement?

Thank you for your help,


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  1. FYI, I solved my own problem.  Turns out I had downloaded the source code for a prior version of Joget and didn't realize it.  Be careful when downloading the source code.  Make sure you grab the right version.

  2. Hello' i am trying to develop Directory Manager Plugin using joget & cakephp .Is there any way to create directory manager plugin for using external database  in joget...........?

    1. Need to code it in Java and extend the necessary class I believe. http://dev.joget.org/community/display/KB/Directory+Manager+Plugin