Can anyone write how to embedd different components of Joget (like currently running proccesses) on external site like in an example in Knowledge base : Sample Code for Embedding the Inbox & Process List

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  1. Apart from embedding process list and task inbox as found in the knowledge base article you points to, may I know what other components are you looking for?

    1. for example - Running Processes

      1. I afraid that you would need to implement it on your own after getting the result. To retrieve the list of processes, you may use the JSON call wflow-wfweb/web/json/monitoring/running/process/list though.

        Hope this helps. Thanks.

  2. Ok, Btw is there any possibility to manage users/groups/organizations from outside the Joget management console ?

    1. Yes it does. Joget supports custom Directory Manager implementation for those in need to integrate Joget into their environment. See LDAP and Active Directory Integration.

      Hope it helps. Thanks.

      PS: Please post in relevant topic/thread next time. Thanks.

      1. Sorry I am a newbie here : >


        1. No problem man, glad to help! Maybe you can tell us on what you are trying to achieve then we may be of better help! Have a nice day!

          1. Actually I am trying to integrate Joget with external web aplication so as the users can fully control the process outside the Joget Management Console. I also want to transfer users' organisational hierarchy into Joget.

            1. fully control the process outside the Joget Management

              Sounds like reinventing the wheel for me. Do you really think that this is necessary? Only the administrator would need to access the interface and this is not visible to any other users of the system. You may use the embedded process list and task inbox for normal users in your existing system.

              I also want to transfer users' organisational hierarchy into Joget.

              You may want to check if your existing org structure is compatible with what Joget requires first. It is quite standard nevertheless. If you can map each and every attribute Joget needs from your existing user table, then it would be much more convenient to develop a Directory Manager plugin instead and look into your existing org structure.

              By re-using your existing org structure, we will save a lot of trouble maintaining 2 separate credentials for each and every user.

              Hope this helps!