Hi all,

In V3 the grid component only allow text component on rows, in V2 I use the grid with combos or selections box, these component will be developed to V3?


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  1. Editable Grid:

    Hello guys ,i have a problem with the form builder in the new version of joget workflow v3.0,
    Now let me explain it like this,suppose i have a form in which i want to take input from user,like for example

    there is a form like the following.



      S.No                      year:                             Degree:                      Grade:

    1.                            2000                             Fsc                            A+  


    Now the user has suppose entered the above values but he also want to add another year,what i mean to say is that there should be an add button by clicking which he is given the option to add more values on the same activity.
    now how is that gona be possible?

    What control in the form builder can i use to get this,it was posible in the older version of joget workfow with the grid but can anybody explain how its gona work in the new version v3.0.
    please explain to me the use of grid in the v3.0 and if possible give any reference if there is any.thank you.

    1. Hi there,

      The Add/Remove row is available in v3's grid as well. Not sure if I understand your question well. Please see sceenshot.

  2. Hi Aipim Mandiocao,

    This is definitely in our development roadmap. Please stay tuned to the development updates on this. Thanks and sorry for the late reply as we are busy working round the clock to get the product out as soon as possible.

    1. Dear Hugo,

      It is a matter of glad for me that Joget is planning to provide combo box,date picker like html controls in editable data grid. We have designed our process on v3.0 completely and now we are mapping forms which requires editable data grid with date picker, combo box, text area etc. We are totally stuck here as our management wants to implement v 3.0. It is my humble request to joget team to place this item on priority(although you people are already working very hard). Can you please provide an estimated date for this so that i can manage my project accordingly. Your cooperation in this regard will be highly appreciated.

      1. Dear Hugo/Tiensoon,

        I have posted following question on august 04 and still waiting for reply. I am refreshing the page every hour in hope of reply. Please help as my work has stopped.

        "It is a matter of glad for me that Joget team is planning to provide combo box,date picker like html controls in editable data grid. We have designed our process on v3.0 completely and now we are mapping forms which requires editable data grid with date picker, combo box, text area etc. We are totally stuck here as our management wants to implement v 3.0. It is my humble request to joget team to place this item on priority(although you people are already working very hard). Can you please provide an estimated date for this so that i can manage my project accordingly. Your cooperation in this regard will be highly appreciated."

  3. Hi all,

    The support for mixture of multiple elements (in addition to textfield) in Grid, is in the lab, currently under development.

    However, this type of Grid will not be available in the community version of v3; it will be one of the plugins in v3 Enterprise pack, as a way for us to fund the development.

    @Muhammad Sarwar: you can actually subscribe to the updates of the Knowledge Base and Forums, instead of refreshing the site :D

    1. Hi,

      the multiple elements (in addition to textfield) in Grid is ready for V3 enterprise ??