Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance.
This is how I did it with Jquery - not sure if there is a better way.
$( document ).ready(function() { $('#worksheetsgen > tbody > tr').each(function() { var filename = $(this).find('td.column_worksheetattachment').text(); var foldername = $(this).find('td.column_id').text(); $(this).find('td.column_worksheetattachment').replaceWith ('<img style="width:100px;" src="/idtapps/web/client/app/assessments/1/form/download/worksheet/' +foldername + '/' + filename + '.">'); //end worksheetsgenlist loop }); //end doc ready });
WHERE THE FOLLOWING: - #worksheetsgen is the id of my datalist - td.column_worksheetattachment holds the image upload filename - td.column_id has the row id column
Sorry - wrote to soon. It only works when there is one row in the table. Any ideas?
Fixed it! Now working for all rows.