Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance.
Uploaded images are saved using their original filename on the server which means that the system is risking two different files being uploaded and overwritten.
Use Case:
Is there a way to place a timestamp on the image upload to create a unique name so that I can upload more a different image with the same filename?
I can't allow image upload given the current, crude, implementation of image upload.
Thanks for your posting Hugh.
We will take note on this use case and see on how to address your said concern.
Hugh B
Thanks Hugo.
Being able to upload directly from the phone (without having to save the image separately) is a huge selling point for the system we are using and the last thing we need is for images to be overwritten!
As this is now becoming a legal issue, I could do with either a permenant fix or some guidance on how to alter the process so the I can inject a unique timestamp on the file name saved into the system.