Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance.
I need some help with a form-related issue.
I am creating an application for approval of a document by users at different levels. It worked fine when I created seperate forms for every activity.
I want to use only one form now for all the approval activites at various levels say if the clerk gets the document, he fills the form and sets
the status as filled and then his senior gets the document and he/she approves/rejects the document choosing status as approved Level
1/rejected Level 2 and so forth with his superiors.
Firstly, I want some of the fields invisible/uneditable for say Clerk and other visible for other users coz of privacy of the information on the
form but using the same form.
Secondly, I want the selection box to only have options allowed for that particular user say Filled/Not-Filed form for clerk and Approved
Level1/Rejected Level1 for HOD and so forth.
Is this possible to be done in Joget? And how?
Thanks in advance.