Using json url i tried to start the process.But it is not working.


Please let me know were I am wrong

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  1. Hi there,

    What kind of error are you getting in your case?

    In v4, you will need to make a POST for this particular API

    Hope this helps.

  2. It throws error with code 404.

    So now I am working with version 3.I was able to start a process from external page(example given in api).But in the response activityId is null.I have checked  Show The Next Assignment When Completed

    in run process but still activityId is null.

    Is it possible to accept the activity and approve the activity(by approver) using json.Can u please let me know how.

    I have gone through entire api and used all json url but in vain

    1. Hi Goutame,

      For security reasons, some JSON APIs have changed from GET to POST in v4. You can refer to Joget Workflow v4 Upgrade Guide and v4 Compatibility for details.

      The return of "activityId" is based not only on the value of "Show The Next Assignment When Completed", but also on whether an assignment exists for the current logged in user or not.

      If not, using calls in the JSON API you can also retrieve the list of current running activities for the process and then complete a specific task assignment.

      Hope this helps!

  3. Hi Hugo,

    It worked for me

    Thank U.