Hello there,

last year i wrote my bachelor thesis about the way "from business process to workflow", where i developed a business process and transformed it into a workflow in joget.

in defence of my thesis, i want to know where there is the coherence of joget workflow and classic erp systems. i know there are lots of erp systems, but in generally speaking, do they complement?

or where can i merge them together? what is the link between joget workflow and a erp system? i need some arguments to show their coherence.

best regards from germany

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  1. Hi Jonathan, glad to hear that you have used Joget Workflow in your thesis.

    A workflow management system (Joget Workflow as an example), is not equivalent to ERP. ERP is a resource planning solution. However, in ERP (or typically any other enterprise systems such as HRMS, DMS, CRM), there are modules that would essentially involve automation of processes. For example, purchase request is a process, which could be differing between different organization. So ideally, if an ERP suite would like to incorporate a user-centric feature that allows system owner to customize processes built within the software solution, based on evolving business rules, then in this case, Joget Workflow can be integrated with the ERP to achieve this flexibility.

    So I would say, Joget Workflow itself, is not a ERP. But, its powerful and flexible workflow capability that allows easier process changes, can be bundled into any software solution (such as ERP), to create solution that possess user-centric values.

    You can take a look at http://www.slideshare.net/joget/joget-workflow-integration-architecture, slide 33, for an illustration.

  2. Hi Tiensoon,

    thanks for the answer. It helped a lot.

    To the chart you mentioned:

    am i right saying that, The Workflow Engine can handle all these different platforms and integrate / import processes, so that these processes (f.e. booking process) can be designed in the WFMC?

    for example: Is there a way of plugin like the LDAP Plugin, whereby Joget Workflow could get the master file data of the customer in case of a booking process from an erp system?

    In my thesis i developed some processes and transformed them into workflows for a small business company. my  conclusion was that joget is a very good open source wfms with great potential throughout it's plugins.

    now I want to show the capability of bringing joget together with any erp system. where could be an interface between an erp system and joget.

    1. Hi Jonathan,

      In advanced use case of building a suite of software solution, it's more desirable to design your own preferred database structure. So in that case, it is more likely that you would want to build the Web forms using your preferred Web programming platform, instead of the Joget Form Builder. With this advanced case, you could still manage the master records like how you used to be doing in Web platform. Here's the documentation about external form integration.

      You might want to explore the option of mapping a working activity to External Form. You can find the option of "mapping to external form", in WFMC's Activity Mapping. 

      However, if you choose to use a simpler solution of using Joget Form Builder, letting Joget Workflow to automatically manage the persistence layer, then you can consider using Form Variable to retrieve master records from external database.