Hello all,

When I’m trying to create the users by using the “Directory User Form Binder”, I’m now facing  the problem of adding its belonging organization at the same time of creation. And I’m sure that the organization is already created before.

I’ve checked the tutorial of the “Directory User Form Binder” it mentions in detail about the creation of the user itself, but about the part of “EMPLOYEE DETAIL”, there is no further explanation.

And here is the problem in details:

Version: Joget enterprise V3

Context: In the process, we get the information of the clients.  Then, before inviting them to do further activities, the administrator creates the user in application studio with its organization automatically.

Method: Directory User Form Binder, which is a form store binder that helps to store the form elements to the user directory.

This is user registration form. To use the “Directory User Form Binder”, I’ve embedded it as a sub-form in another form.

I’m able to assign the user to groups. The id of the “Organization ID” is organizationId that maps the setting in the field mapping part shown below

And I’ve also check the User model  (shown below) where the “organization” seems to belong to the “employments” field.

But here comes the core question, how could I map the organization to the User model where it only has “employments” field?

I do appreciate if you could give me some advice about this or any other ways to create users in application studio automatically .

Best wishes,



  1. O.o

    Hi Jianan,

    I just tested this use case and I able to assign user to org by just passing org id to my readonly text field. From ur screenshot, my best guess is something related to the hash variable you use. Could it be the Hash Variable value is not a valid org id?


    1. Hi O.o,

      It's so glad to know that at least you're able to do this. I've wondered that as well, so I've tested an static org id as "TEST", but it doesn't work for either.

      And may I know the id of your "readonly text field" and type of value you've passed? Is it "organizationId"? The org id you've used, it is all numeric or all alphabet or alphanumeric?

      Thanks a lot!!!!! 

      Best wishes,


    2. Here is the latest file i've tried.

      THXXXX!!!!! =)

  2. O.o

    Hi Jianan,

    Sorry, I did not realize you asked me a question. I think your issue is because it is a bug in the version you used. By checking the CHANGES.txt file, I found the bug is fixed in version 4.0.3.

    CHANGES IN 4.0.3
    1855    Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Directory Form Binder - Not able to save Organization, Department & grade of a user. #1991 @trunk1855    Fixed: wflow-enterprise-plugins - Directory Form Binder - Not able to save Organization, Department & grade of a user. #1991 @trunk
