
I am using Liferay as Enterprise Portal and embeded the Inbox and the Process List by using the provied code. Unfortunately every user has to log in from time to time. Can I get Joget to use SSO in combination with our Windows AD Server? maybee I have to upgrade to the Enterprise Edition?

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  1. Hey there,

    Just a quick question before we move on. Is your Joget's authentication/directory manager linked up with your company's AD system already?

  2. I just installed joget but didnt connect it to anything. As far as i understand i would have to buy the ldap plugin. Should i?

    1. Hi!

      The LDAP Plugin is to implement Active Directory user-base in Joget Workflow (instead of the default user-base in Joget Workflow). With LDAP Plugin configured, users are able to use their AD/LDAP credential to login to Workflow Management Console. However, this plugin doesn't enable AD SSO.

    2. Nope. Not necessarily.

      The deal is that you will need to make sure that the user base in your own portal is the same or in sync with the user base in Joget's database.

      There's just a few lines of Javascript code that we can use to sign in the user when the user signs in from your portal. I will get you the coding in a bit.

      1. Alright. Here you go. Hope this helps!

        <script type="text/javascript" src="http://localhost:8080/wflow-wfweb/js/json/util.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript">
        AssignmentManager.login('http://localhost:8080/wflow-wfweb', 'admin', 'admin', loginCallback);
        var loginCallback = {
        success: function(){
        1. Hi,

          I have a question in this approach. I have a liferay portal in which we are embedding the Task inbox, we will be making the below JSON call -


          Now when the user selects any item from the inbox, I want to take the user to JoGet console. The java script suggested by Hugo works fine but I have to maintain the logged in user's password, unlike in JSON call where I can use master user id and password and pass logged in user id (loginAs). Is this possible in Javascript API too?

