Dear Friends,

I wanted to ask about possibility to add column in active process view called subject.

For example we have orders flow, we wish to see what users are ordering.

This field is not select box (combo box) - it is just an input box (textbox).

In my opinion it could be connected with variable...

Best Regards!

Ps. Sorry if this post is crated in some way wrong.

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  1. Hi there,

    I'm sorry I can't seem to understand you. Can you elaborate on "add column in active process view called subject"?

    It's just form data only if I understand your message correctly.

    Hope it helps.

  2. Hi Jakub,

    You can associate the targeted textbox to a workflow variable (e.g. hod_action). Then when you are designing a Userview Activity, the workflow variable will be available for selection, to be shown in the Userview Activity listing table. 
    Hope this is what you need.

    1. Hi there,

      Is the Activity listing available in Joget 3?


      1. Yes, it's one of the features of v3 Enterprise Edition. With reference to the comparison table, "Enterprise Data Management Features" is referring to this.

  3. HI,

    this is exactly what I mean. Thank you for yours response.

    Best Regards!