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  1. Hi,JOGET.

    I use joget V2 release.

    I already set default character set utf8 on mysql.ini.

    When i upload a file and save the task,the chinese display wrong.

    When i did not upload a file and save the task,the chinese display right.

    How can i do?

    1. Hi,

      I've tried the same steps and got the same result. Tracing the issue, it seems that the problem is a bug in Spring Framework that somehow skips parameter encoding when uploading a (file:" originalalias="file:" >file:

      Hmm, will be looking to find possible workarounds for this.

      Btw, this is related to the Form Builder, so might be a good idea to discuss this in the Using Form Builder page instead in future.

      1. Hi,

        I downloaded the spring framework 2.5.4 source code and found the file of

        I modified it by the solution(SPR-6247.patch)  that it was on the website

        I complied it on netbean 6.9.1 and let the CommonsFileUploadSupport classe files replaced the old files onspring-webmvc-2.5.4.jar which was in the path(C:\Joget-v2\apache-tomcat-6.0.18\webapps\wflow-wfweb\WEB-INF\lib).

        But the problem was still exist.

        How can i do?

        1. Hi,

          There's a workaround for the Spring encoding bug, and it's committed into trunk of the source repository (revision 663)

          Hope this helps!