Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance.
I have tried to complete an activity by calling the following URL ::-
Now the activity will be completed successfully but the workflow variable named "imagurl" will be null.
So how can i complete an activity and also set the workflow variable ?
Can anyone help me with the above issue as it is a showstopper bug, and i am unable to complete the workflow activities from external system....
Should this be considered as a defect ...
I should add var_ before the variable name in the URL request. so the URL should be something similar to:-http://localhost:8080/jw/web/json/workflow/assignment/completeWithVariable/1677_536_EngineersProcess_process1_setverialbe?loginAs=customerservice&var_imagurl=testenvvarialbe
and anybody can tell me why i call the url by browser ,and it's will be run success.
but if i call the url used java code:url,httpclicent,and the result is error
the error message like :500,internal server error
anybody can tell me how to access the json api by java code?