Hello !I am using joget. but I encountered one problem when using grid. Everytimes I connect to database, I have to call the functionconnect = DriverManager.getConnection ("jdbc: mysql :/ / localhost: 3307/jwdb? characterEncoding = UTF-8", "root", "");when I changed servers, the connection parameter of database change. Is there a way to change just one time for all the grid?I see in the admin setting there’s the database connection. Is there a way to use these parameters for all grid?
Owen Ong
Hi yehnkay,
You can use Environment Variables for this purpose.
Best regards.
thank Owen Ong
dark devil
Hi there.
I'm new using joget community version and I have the next question.
How can I fill a grid using bean shell form binder with the dir_user table.
Regards and I hope you can help me.