hi, is this an forum? it looks very strange an i cant imagin that anyone coud find this forum an unse it intuitiv like an normal forum. however i try to explain my problem.

this program looks very nice but i dont understand anything.

so i explain my problem and hope so that anyone has the time to help me.

all the examples that i can find are to complex for me to understand the basics ... one reason for this is i cant speak english realy good and ther are to many special words for me.

i need an workflow that is realy simple. 

1. one person types in who is the name of te custommer the serial number of the customer and the date when it must be at the process point 1 and on the process point 2 and the process point 3

2. then i need an processpoint 1 something like cut paper. on this point the user sees an list of tasks for this day and the next day and the 'day before this day thins that are too late' (sorted by date)

   this person only needs 2 options .. first click on an button that this custommers paper is cut out and now can be processed by the next processpoint 2. and the second that is something wrong and an info text goes to the first person that he or she can call the custommer or correct the dates.

3. the third user on process point 2 the same as the second user.

4. the fourth user on process point 3 the same as the second user.

and very process point can only "say" its ready when the step before is done. and see where the order now is in the production 

a tabel would be great for this .... a table with an button at the end to click "ok" or "done" but the button is only visible when the step before is done.

i think it must be very simple but i have no idea where to start i tryed the sample explanaition here but this is too complex or to abstract for me. i need an workflow for production not for administration. only an clicking system to handel the tasks at the different stations. 

pleas give me an answear thank you Martin

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1 Comment

  1. Hi Junior,

    Welcome to the Joget community. I think maybe you can start with understanding Joget first before you can apply it in your production. You can start with User Guide or check out Joget's Youtube channel at http://www.youtube.com/jogetworkflow
