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  1. Hi there,

    Please post up your topic's content.


    1. Hello all, I would like to share this question with you :

      I use javascript to control the data in forms. But I have read we can develop a specific validator in a java plug-in (interesting, cause you develop it once, and use it directly in the form designer).

      To your opinion, is javascript a good solution to control the data (security pb) ?  Do you have a tuto to learn how to develop a plugin ?

      Thank you, Pierre

      1. You need a Form Validator Plugin plugin for this case.

        For example, please see the coding for DefaultValidator at https://github.com/jogetworkflow/jw-community/blob/3.1-SNAPSHOT/wflow-core/src/main/java/org/joget/apps/form/lib/DefaultValidator.java

        Javascript is only good for client-side validation and not at server-side.

  2. Thank you Bastiana for your answer

    To take in account this java coding, I suppose I have to open the project in an IDE (Eclipse or other), do my java coding, rebuild the project, and deploy it as a .war in tomcat (or something like that) ?

    Is there a tuto to to set-up this development environment ? I mean, starting from the first step : retreive the source project from SVN, and build...

    Thanks again

    1. Hi there,

      Please see Building from Source. You may also try to do it by following Joget's tutorial video.

      Good luck.