Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance.
yes is answer, you can use form hash variable....
I'm having a similar problem. Can you point to example of email using Form Hash Variables? Thanks, Rob Hammons
> But Record is not saving
How to replicate your problem? What errors are you getting?
> How to attach the field values to the body of the mail SAVE & SEND ?
Use Form Hash Variable
1) Some variables are need to store while it storing in the table we will click save on saving the row the mail have to send. 2) And again in data list we have edit facility, By clicking edit link it redirect to the particular page having all records after editing the values the edited values also need to go in email to particular mail-ID & have to store in datalist.
I have table Records which were saving after submit, I have added the email notification to that in such away that The submit records to be mailed to specific email ID, Mail is going to specific email ID,
But Record is not saving & How to attach the field values to the body of the mail SAVE & SEND ?