Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance.
hello qayyum,
you can check database direct to dbms mysql, this sample software you can use heidi sql (freeware) software for check this data in mysql. thank you.
Hi Iman
How can we check data direct to database ?
try to use a CRUD in Userview so that you can recall all the entries and figure out what's wrong.
you can check data direct to database and table this process... you can edit this data in table..
Helo Hugo, I've changed some of my process' name at my workflow. But when i open my datalist inbox in my userview, my inbox have no list anymore. So, how to recover my lost list since there are several data before changing my process name. Hope you answer me immediately... please..urgent