
Dear Sir/Madam.


I’ve been trying to connect JasperReports (JasperSoft Studio) with my Joget Cloud Version with no success. I’ve looked at several pages and tutorials in the Knowledge base and find no way to achieve it.


Could you please send me a “Step by Step” tutorial for beginners to do this task?


Thanks In advance




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    3 answers


      Hi there,

      For the datasource you can just choose the Default Datasource to access your current database without keying in any of the JDBC details.

      You will also need to know the database table and column structure so you might want to install a local copy of Joget for testing and development.


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        Dear Hugo.

        Thanks for your answer. What I've meant in my previous mails is a "step by step" guide to link my app ("App AAAA") with Jasper iReports (how to configure data adapters from iReports - JDBC drivers, URL, username, etc).

        I'm quite rookie in this area and need these data to start generating reports before moving to the next step: Create Report Graph using JasperReports iReport.


        Thanks for you help

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          Hey there,

          I just tried to use the sample app from Create Report Graph using JasperReports iReport on my cloud account and it works as expected.

          Can you list down the steps that you have taken to generate the report or try it locally first to validate that it works on your local environment?

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