

In my datalist, linked to a menu item, I query a view which contains an auto-increment integer ID. That ID is the key of the datalist.

The total number of records is correct (200+). Only 6 records are displayed on the screen. Selecting page 2, 3 etc. just return blank pages.


What can be the issue?




  1. panda

    does it have any error in log file?

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3 answers


    Not an answer but another example.

    The exact query that I use in the datalist returns 7 rows when run on the database:


    The preview of the datalist shows that it found 7 rows, but not one of them is displayed. What can be the issue?

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      Hi Anders. Thanks for looking into my issue. Logs attached.

      I had been trying other things today so please ignore errors in the logs from before 5 Nov - 12:44. You'll see that my last test didn't insert anything in the logs. In no other logs either.

      DatalistID is an auto-increment which I made the Primary Key on the datalist. If my condition in my select is e.g. Datalist > 0 then all records are returned. As soon as I try to filter on another field, only a couple of rows are returned. I tried with int and varchar columns.






      1. Anders

        The logs contain some errors but do not look related. I am not sure I understand the issue now. "If my condition in my select is e.g. Datalist > 0 then all records are returned. As soon as I try to filter on another field, only a couple of rows are returned." Is that not the expected behavior when filtering?

      2. Goedele Van Deuren

        Hi Anders. Let's say that there are 200 rows in total. What I want to see is 150. If I filter on Datalist > 0, I get 200 rows. If I filter on any other value that's the same on all rows, 150 records are shown as a total on the menu and at the bottom of the list, but only a couple of rows or none are visible. Subsequent pages are empty. Tested the same filters on the database.

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      Hi, please check and share your tomcat and/or joget logs as there might be error messages to indicate the problem. 

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