

I'm working on Joget v6 and found the GC setting is quite old and using ParallelOldGC appears to have 1s full GC pausing time every few seconds when under loads of 50 requests/s when we tested using JMeter. Would like to seek advice on tunning the GC setting and if it's ok for changing to a newer GC like G1GC, and any impact that I should assess prior to the tunning.

Existing setting:

OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (25.242-b08) for linux-amd64 JRE (1.8.0_242-b08), built on Jan 15 2020 17:08:47 by "mockbuild" with gcc 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-39)
Memory: 4k page, physical 4194304k(4166568k free), swap 0k(0k free)
CommandLine flags: -XX:AdaptiveSizePolicyWeight=90 -XX:CompressedClassSpaceSize=1065353216 -XX:+ExitOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:GCLogFileSize=3145728 -XX:GCTimeRatio=4 -XX:InitialHeapSize=536870912 -XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio=20 -XX:MaxHeapSize=2147483648 -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=1073741824 -XX:MetaspaceSize=100663296 -XX:MinHeapFreeRatio=10 -XX:NumberOfGCLogFiles=5 -XX:+PrintGC -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -XX:-TraceClassUnloading -XX:+UseCompressedClassPointers -XX:+UseCompressedOops -XX:+UseGCLogFileRotation -XX:+UseParallelOldGC 

GC charts & Files:

gc.log.0.current gc.jfif

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    1 answer


      Hi, I think Joget v6 has reached the end of life and the support has ended.

      For Tomcat GC, do read the this online resource guides here.

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