
The AI Form Fill Element plugin is a tool designed to automatically generate and populate data for form elements.

Plugin Information

The AI Form Fill Element plugin uses OpenAI's GPT models to automatically generate and populate data for form elements.

Plugins Available in the Bundle:

  1. AI Form Fill Element

This plugin bundle is compatible with Joget DX 8.

Expected Outcome

The AI Form Fill Element is able to generate and populate data for form elements.

Figure 1: AI Form Fill Element in a form

Get Started


  1. Sign Up for OpenAI API:

  2. Obtain API Key:

    • Navigate to the API keys page on the OpenAI platform.
    • Generate an API key.
    • Copy the API key; you will need it for the AI Form Fill Element plugin configuration.

  3. Choose a Model:

    • Go to the OpenAI Models Documentation to understand the available models.
    • Select a model that you would like to use (e.g., gpt-3.5-turbo and gpt-4-turbo).
    • Note the model name for later use in the configuration.


1. You can obtain the jar file by the latest release at

2. Upload the plugin jar file in Joget by going to Settings → Manage Plugins.

3. You can choose to import the demo app or create the app from scratch.

Steps for importing demo app

1. Download the demo app from Sample App(.jwa file).

2. Go to Joget Home or All Apps and click on Import App to import the downloaded demo app.

Steps for creating app from scratch

1. Create a form with the desired fields (e.g., Name, Email, Contact, Status, Address, Gender, Date of Birth). Then add the AI Form Fill Element to the form.

Figure 2: Add AI Form Fill Element in the form

2. Click on the Form Auto Fill AI element and enter the necessary configurations:

Enter the model name you chose.

Enter the API key you obtained from OpenAI (you can add the API key to App variables and use a hash variable to reference the values; for more information, please refer to App Variable).

Enter the Proxy Domain (e.g.,

Specify the number of rows you want the AI to fill in the form grid when the Form Fill AI element is executed.

Figure 3: Configure the AI Form Fill Element

AI Form Fill Element Plugin Demo

Once all configurations have been completed, the user can click on the icon on the right to auto-fill the form with dummy data using GPT.

Figure 4: Click on the icon to automatically fill the form using GPT

The form grid is filled with data according to the number of rows specified during the configuration.

Figure 5: Form grid filled with the specified number of rows

AI Form Fill Element Plugin Properties

Below are configurations for section "AI Form Fill Configuration"



Model *

AI model you would like to use (e.g., gpt-3.5-turbo).

API Key *API Key obtained from the OpenAI platform.

Proxy Domain

The proxy domain for accessing the OpenAI API (e.g.,

Number Of Rows For Form Grid *

The number of rows you want the AI to fill in the form grid inside your form.


Related Links

Sample App


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