| Name | Description |
1 | Process |
Select any process present in the current app, for interaction with API.
2 | Short Description | |
3 | |
Abort an activity instance in a running process instance.
Name | Description |
URL | /process/*yourProcessId*/abortActivity/{processId}/{activityId} | HTTP Method | POST | Path Parameters | Parameter | Description |
processId | Process Instance ID. | activityId | Activity Instance ID. |
| Sample Response |
"date": "Thu Aug 29 18:33:39 SGT 2019",
"code": "200",
"message": "Successful operation"
4 | |
Abort a process instance.
Name | Description |
URL | /process/*yourProcessId*/abortProcess/{processId} | HTTP Method | POST | Path Parameters | Parameter | Description |
processId | Process Instance ID. |
| Sample Response |
"date": "Thu Aug 29 18:35:31 SGT 2019",
"code": "200",
"message": "Successful operation"
5 | Complete activity instance |
Complete an activity instance to continue the flow of a process instance.
Name | Description |
URL | /process/*yourProcessId*/completeActivity/{processId}/{activityId} | HTTP Method | POST | Path Parameters | Parameter | Description |
processId | Process Instance ID. | activityId | Activity Instance ID. |
| Sample Response |
"date": "Thu Aug 29 18:41:53 SGT 2019",
"code": "200",
"message": "Successful operation"
6 | Clone running process instance |
Essentially cloning a running process instance along with its state and workflow variable(s) to a new process instance. Option available to simultaneously abort the original running process instance.
Name | Description |
URL | /process/*yourProcessId*/copyProcess/{processId} | HTTP Method | POST | Path Parameters | Parameter | Description |
processId | Process Instance ID. |
| Query String Parameters | Parameter | Description |
abortCurrent | Abort the original running process instance. Expects a boolean. |
| Sample Response |
"processId": "152_expenseclaim_process1",
"recordId": "747ada41-a7e8-4537-a060-ae7daface7b5",
"activities": [
7 | Get activity instance detail |
Get details of an activity instance in a process instance.
Name | Description |
URL | /process/*yourProcessId*/getActivityDetail/{processId}/{activityId} | HTTP Method | GET | Path Parameters | Parameter | Description |
processId | Process Instance ID. | activityId | Activity Instance ID. |
| Sample Response |
"finishTime": "",
"variables": {
"SelectApprover": "admin",
"status": ""
"serviceLevelMonitor": "-",
"dueDate": "",
"activityName": "HOD Approve",
"activityDefId": "approve_claim",
"processVersion": "7",
"participant": "approver",
"activityId": "384_149_expenseclaim_process1_approve_claim",
"processId": "149_expenseclaim_process1",
"processName": "Expense Approval Process",
"createdTime": "Wed Aug 28 15:03:15 SGT 2019",
"assignee": [
"processDefId": "expenseclaim#7#process1"
8 | Get activity instance workflow variables |
Get the workflow variables and its values from an activity instance.
Name | Description |
URL | /process/*yourProcessId*/getActivityVariables/{processId}/{activityId} | HTTP Method | GET | Path Parameters | Parameter | Description |
processId | Process Instance ID. | activityId | Activity Instance ID. |
| Sample Response |
"SelectApprover": "admin",
"status": "",
9 | Get process instance detail |
Get details of a process instance.
Name | Description |
URL | /process/*yourProcessId*/getProcessDetail/{processId} | HTTP Method | GET | Path Parameters | Parameter | Description |
processId | Process Instance ID. |
| Sample Response |
"requester": "admin",
"startedTime": "",
"finishTime": "",
"variables": {
"SelectApprover": "admin",
"status": ""
"serviceLevelMonitor": "-",
"processId": "149_expenseclaim_process1",
"dueDate": "",
"packageId": "expenseclaim",
"name": "Expense Approval Process",
"processDefId": "expenseclaim#7#process1",
"version": "7",
"states": "open.running"
10 | Get process instance workflow variables |
Get the workflow variables and its values from an process instance.
Name | Description |
URL | /process/*yourProcessId*/getVariables/{processId} | HTTP Method | GET | Path Parameters | Parameter | Description |
processId | Process Instance ID. |
| Sample Response |
"SelectApprover": "admin",
"status": "",
11 | |
List all activity instances of a process instance.
Name | Description |
URL | /process/*yourProcessId*/listActivities/{processId} | HTTP Method | GET | Path Parameters | Parameter | Description |
processId | Process Instance ID. |
| Query String Parameters | Parameter | Description |
sort | Activity list data column to sort. Must be used in conjunction with "sortDescending" parameter. | sortDescending | Sort the specified "sort" parameter value in ascending or descending order. Expects a boolean value. Must be used in conjunction with "sort" parameter. | startOffset | Starting position of records to start query. Expects an integer. | pageSize | Number of results to return. Expects an integer. |
| Sample Response |
"dateCreated": "28-08-2019 03:03 PM",
"serviceLevelMonitor": "-",
"name": "HOD Approve",
"id": "384_149_expenseclaim_process1_approve_claim",
"state": "open.not_running.not_started"
12 | List completed process instances |
List all completed process instance(s) of the specified process.
Name | Description |
URL | /process/*yourProcessId*/listCompleted | HTTP Method | GET | Query String Parameters | Parameter | Description |
sort | Completed processes list data column to sort. Must be used in conjunction with "sortDescending" parameter. | sortDescending | Sort the specified "sort" parameter value in ascending or descending order. Expects a boolean value. Must be used in conjunction with "sort" parameter. | startOffset | Starting position of records to start query. Expects an integer. | pageSize | Number of results to return. Expects an integer. |
| Sample Response |
"startedTime": "25-04-2019 08:14 PM",
"requesterId": "admin",
"serviceLevelMonitor": "-",
"due": "-",
"name": "Expense Approval Process",
"id": "44_expenseclaim_process1",
"state": "closed.aborted",
"version": "1"
13 | List running process instances |
List all running process instance(s) of the specified process.
Name | Description |
URL | /process/*yourProcessId*/listRunning | HTTP Method | GET | Query String Parameters | Parameter | Description |
sort | Running processes list data column to sort. Must be used in conjunction with "sortDescending" parameter. | sortDescending | Sort the specified "sort" parameter value in ascending or descending order. Expects a boolean value. Must be used in conjunction with "sort" parameter. | startOffset | Starting position of records to start query. Expects an integer. | pageSize | Number of results to return. Expects an integer. |
| Sample Response |
"startedTime": "26-08-2019 07:29 PM",
"requesterId": "admin",
"serviceLevelMonitor": "-",
"due": "-",
"name": "Expense Approval Process",
"id": "149_expenseclaim_process1",
"state": "open.running",
"version": "7"
14 | Reassign activity instance |
Explicitly set a user to replace an existing assignee of an activity instance, via username.
Name | Description |
URL | /process/*yourProcessId*/reassignActivity/{processId}/{activityId} | HTTP Method | POST | Path Parameters | Parameter | Description |
processId | Process Instance ID. | activityId | Activity Instance ID. |
| Query String Parameters | Parameter | Description |
assignee | Username of the original user assigned to the task. | replacement | Username of the user to replace the assignee. |
| Sample Response |
"date": "Thu Aug 29 19:27:03 SGT 2019",
"code": "200",
"message": "Successful operation"
15 | Reevaluate activity instance |
Update/Replace the assignee(s) of an activity instance according to the current participant mapping of the specified process.
Name | Description |
URL | /process/*yourProcessId*/reevaluateActivity/{processId}/{activityId} | HTTP Method | POST | Path Parameters | Parameter | Description |
processId | Process Instance ID. | activityId | Activity Instance ID. |
| Sample Response |
"date": "Thu Aug 29 19:32:19 SGT 2019",
"code": "200",
"message": "Successful operation"
16 | Set activity instance workflow variables |
Set the values of the workflow variable(s) of an activity instance.
Name | Description |
URL | /process/*yourProcessId*/setActivityVariables/{processId}/{activityId} | HTTP Method | POST | Path Parameters | Parameter | Description |
processId | Process Instance ID. | activityId | Activity Instance ID. |
| Query String Parameters | The parameters required here is highly dependent on the app/process design. Parameter | Description |
variables | Workflow variables and its values. |
| Sample Response |
"date": "Thu Aug 29 21:32:19 SGT 2019",
"code": "200",
"message": "Successful operation"
17 | Start activity of a process instance |
Start an activity instance in a process instance. Option available to simultaneously abort the current running activity instance in the specified process instance.
Name | Description |
URL | /process/*yourProcessId*/startActivity/{processId}/{activityDefId} | HTTP Method | POST | Path Parameters | Parameter | Description |
processId | Process Instance ID. Expects the ID of an existing process instance. | activityDefId | Activity Definition ID. |
| Query String Parameters | Parameter | Description |
abortCurrent | Abort the current running activity instance in the process instance. Expects a boolean. |
| Sample Response |
"processId": "152_expenseclaim_process1",
"recordId": "747ada41-a7e8-4537-a060-ae7daface7b5",
"activities": [
18 | Start process by current user |
Start a new process instance of the specified process as the currently logged in user.
Name | Description |
URL | /process/*yourProcessId*/startProcess | HTTP Method | POST | Query String Parameters | Parameter | Description |
processInstanceId | Process Instance ID of a process that has been created, but not started. | recordId | Populate the process instance's starting activity form with an existing record. |
| Body Parameters | The workflow variable(s) parameter required here is highly dependent on the app/process design. Example:
"additionalProp1": "string",
"additionalProp2": "string",
"additionalProp3": "string"
| Sample Response |
"processId": "153_expenseclaim_process1",
"recordId": "747ada41-a7e8-4537-a060-ae7daface7b5",
"activities": [
19 | Start process by username |
Start a new process instance of the specified process on behalf of a user via username.
Name | Description |
URL | /process/*yourProcessId*/startProcessByUser/{username} | HTTP Method | POST | Path Parameters | Parameter | Description |
username | Username of a Joget user. |
| Query String Parameters | Parameter | Description |
processInstanceId | Process Instance ID of a process that has been created, but not started. | recordId | Populate the process instance's starting activity form with an existing record. |
| Body Parameters | The workflow variable(s) parameter required here is highly dependent on the app/process design. Example:
"additionalProp1": "string",
"additionalProp2": "string",
"additionalProp3": "string"
| Sample Response |
"processId": "154_expenseclaim_process1",
"recordId": "747ada41-a7e8-4537-a060-ae7daface7b5",
"activities": [